David Casas: Gpu-accelerated simulations of the chemotactic response of amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum.

Jun 21, 2016

David Casas successfully defended his Bachelor thesis in Physics Engineering in May 2016.


Gpu-accelerated simulations of the chemotactic response of amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum.


Having computer simulations of biophysical systems is an important step for checking the validity of our models, improve our understanding of their behaviour and serve as a first testing ground for further applications. The aim of this project was twofold: rstly, the design and implementation of a generic framework that easies the creation of gpu-accelerated physical simulations. Secondly, it tests a model for the chemotactic response and locomotion of the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, using the aforementioned framework. The framework has proven itself very useful during the testing of the model, although some improvements could be done. The model used in this project yielded satisfactory results, but should be completed in order to provide more interesting insights.